Series 3000 Cooling Tower
The Series 3000 Cooling Tower leads the industry with the highest efficiency and trusted reliability from BAC. Maintenance is also easiest with an open interior that allows for easiest access to all major components and the optional ENDURADRIVE® Fan System that requires virtually no maintenance for unmatched peace-of-mind. Extreme Efficiency (XE) models further reduce energy and operating costs.
- Thermal Capacity: 171 - 1,446 tons1
- Flow Rate: Up to 4,500 USGPM1
- Crossflow // Axial Fan // Induced Draft
- System optimization with the Loop™ Platform available
Series 3000 - Benefits
The Series 3000 Cooling Tower leads the industry with the highest efficiency and trusted reliability from BAC. Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of the Series 3000.
Series 3000 - Construction and Operation
This animation highlights the Series 3000 Cooling Tower's unique construction details and its principle of operation, explaining how the tower works.
The ENDURADRIVE® Fan System offers the highest reliability, least maintenance and lowest energy costs, giving you total peace-of-mind.
TriArmor® Corrosion Protection System
The TriArmor® Corrosion Protection System provides the ultimate cold water basin protection in the harshest environments. Watch this video to learn more.
BAC Leads the World in Heat Transfer Solutions
Discover BAC’s ongoing innovations in using the power of water to save energy in this segment of Inside the Blueprint that aired on Fox Business.

Note: Operating costs based on fan kW x $0.12kWh x 2500EFLH (equivalent full load hours) x 20 years (2011 ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications) x 3% per year energy inflation factor.
Lowest Energy Usage
- Extremely efficient XE Models are at least two times more energy efficient than the minimum requirements established in ASHRAE Standard 90.1
- XE models help to contribute to Energy and Atmosphere LEED® Credits (EAc1)
- Average payback of less than two years with BAC’s enhanced selections which include user-defined life-cycle cost inputs based on energy savings and minimum payback
*Compared to standard cooling towers.
Key Resources
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